Issue: when you launch VirtualBox ,it fail with error window " Failed to create virtual COM object.... Callee RC: TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND (0x8002802B)"
問題: 執行 VirtualBox 時,出現錯誤: 建立 VirtualBox COM 物件時失敗... 被呼叫端 RC: TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND (0x8002802B)"
Environment 環境:
OS: Windows 7 x64
VirtualBox: 4.2.6
Solution 解決方式:
Step 1. excute regedit to open registry.
步驟 1. 執行 regedit 打開註冊表
Step 2. looking for key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{46137EEC-703B-4FE5-AFD4-7C9BBBBA0259}\1.3\0\win64
步驟 2. 依順序找到值 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{46137EEC-703B-4FE5-AFD4-7C9BBBBA0259}\1.3\0\win64
Step 3. click "(Default)" item and input the path of VBoxC.dll of VirtualBox , ex: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxC.dll
步驟 3. 按下 "(Default)" 然後輸入 VirtualBox VBoxC.dll 的檔案路徑, ex: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxC.dll
Reference 參考:
Installation on Windows 7 x64 fails
請問如果我是無法獲取 VirtualBox COM 物件該怎麼辦 是我不小心刪掉甚麼嗎?