when you install AppLocale under WIndows Vista/7, failed with:
"There is a problem with this windows Installer package.
A program required for this install to complete could note be run.
Contact your support personnel or package vendor."
在 Windows Vista/7 安裝 AppLocale 時,出現錯誤訊息
"There is a problem with this windows Installer package.
A program required for this install to complete could note be run.
Contact your support personnel or package vendor."
Environment 環境:
OS: Windows 7 x64
Solution 解決方式:
Step 1. right click on apploc.msi and select properties
步驟 1. 在 applic.msi 按右鍵選擇屬性
Step 2. check "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" on Compatibility tab
步驟 2.在相容性分頁,勾選"以相容模式執行這個程式"
Step 3. click apploc.msi and install.
步驟 3. 安裝 apploc.msi
Reference 參考:
在Windows 7 上安裝 Microsoft AppLocale 公用程式